Recent Webinars

Modified on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 10:00 AM

Use the links below to easily navigate to all recent webinars:

June - Quarterly Series - Watch Me Work

These sessions will be interactive with the presenter walking through each step in a live system while you ask questions. Want to know more as we walk through, or want to have something repeated, you can let us know in the live chat!

  • Starting a New Budget Cycle 
    Walk through the steps to start a new budget cycle successfully. Whether you want to use a framework budget, a budget based on last year's budget, or utilize previous year's actuals, we will cover it!
  • Starting a New Year in Personnel - 
    Walk through the steps to successfully start a new budget cycle within Personnel. We will walk through all the steps including copying a scenario, adding, editing and removing employees, positions and pay items, and pushing that scenario into your Planner Budget.
  • Dive into Reporting Groups (Rotating topic) 
    Reporting groups are a part of the Advanced+, Standard+ or Enterprise subscription to Martus and provide a powerful level of flexibility within the ReportBuilder and in Special Purpose Worksheets. Join us as we walk through creating and utilizing Reporting Groups in Martus.
  • End User Basics - March 25th & 26th
    Walk through the basics of budgeting and reporting to help you utilize Martus regardless of your position in the organization.

April - Cash Flow Examples

Every budget item implies a balance sheet impact and an effect on cash flow. Martus' Cash Flow Forecasting module allows you to use your budget to produce a projected Balance Sheet and a statement of Projected Cash Flow. Let's dive into the details by exploring some of the simple and more complex projected impacts on the balance sheet and cash flow statement. This includes Fixed Assets, Loans, Prepaid Expenses, and more.

March - Quarterly Series - Watch Me Work

Join us for our new, interactive series, where we will walk through the steps for various recurring Martus workflows. These sessions will be interactive with the presenter walking through each step in a live system while you ask questions. Want to know more as we walk through, or want to have something repeated, you can let us know in the live chat!

  • Starting a New Budget Cycle March 5th & 6th
    Walk through the steps to start a new budget cycle successfully. Whether you want to use a framework budget, a budget based on last year's budget, or utilize previous year's actuals, we will cover it!
  • Starting a New Year in Personnel - March 12th & 13th
    Walk through the steps to successfully start a new budget cycle within Personnel. We will walk through all the steps including copying a scenario, adding, editing and removing employees, positions and pay items, and pushing that scenario into your Planner Budget.
  • Fun with ReportBuilder (Rotating topic) - March 19th & 20th
    Walk through the steps to create some fun reports in ReportBuilder. This will be a very interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style training where we will create helpful reports utilizing the various tips and tricks throughout ReportBuilder.
  • End User Basics - March 26th & 27th
    Walk through the basics of budgeting and reporting to help you utilize Martus regardless of your position in the organization.

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