Release Notes
Notes about the details of periodic releases and updates.
Release Notes and Change Log - 2025
Martus follows a continuous release methodology. Updates are released frequently, typically several times each week. (Update deployment does not require downtime.) When there are significant updates (new functionality, improvements to existing functionality), then release notes are updated and emailed to Martus Admins and any other Martus users who have signed up for the Release Notes list.
This page provides a summary list of all updates and significant changes in 2025, plus a link to a PDF with details about those changes.
- Login invitations now expire after 72 hours (February 17)
- ReportBuilder now allows you to filter columns to a specific reporting group (February 14)
- Gift, Gain, and Loss accounts are now supported for Martus' Financial Edge integration (
- Ask Marty! is now available to all users; this AI-enabled chatbot is trained on Martus' knowledge base and help files (January 28)
- Custom budget spreads can be defined and used in worksheets and SPWs (January 28)
- ReportBuilder has been updated to better handle rows that return no data and show [Not Available] on those rows (January 23)
- Personnel Budgeting update: notes can be added to positions to record decisions related to compensation budgeting (January 17)
- Now you can check Martus status any time from within Martus or via this link (January 11)
- Added support for multiple accounting books for NetSuite integrations (January 11)
- Partner Console - These updates improve partner tools for managing diverse client groups and add improved controls over partner user assignment to groups and clients (January 11)
- Martus now offers an integration to Xero (January 11)
- Budget widget - paste values from Excel into the budget widget on worksheets and SPWs (January 11)
- ReportBuilder has been updated to show the report owner on all reports and to allow Martus Admins to control the sharing of reports created by other users (January 11)
This list includes features at all subscription levels and for all integrations.
Check out the Subscription Package Descriptions if you have any questions about what features are included in your subscription.
Review the Integration Feature Matrix for a summary of integration-related features
Release Notes and Change Log - 2024
These changes have been made in 2024. Click on the link below the list to download Release Notes for more details.
The list below includes features at all subscription levels. Refer to Subscription Package Descriptions if you have any questions about what features are included in your subscription.
- Business Central - For all Business Central integrations (including the Wiise and Tangicloud overlays), Martus provides an option on the Planner menu to output a budget in a format that can be imported directly into Business Central (December 23)
- Xero integration - now in beta (December 20)
- New shortcuts to add lines on SPWs (December 14)
- Balance Sheet Report for QB integrations (now available in beta) (December 14)
- A new option, Budget Lines, is available on the Planner menu. It can be used to make adjustments to budget lines across an entire budget. For more information, see this Knowledge Base article. (November 24)
- Additional Power Query syntax samples have been provided for the Martus Connector. (November 24)
- In ReportBuilder, expenses default to positive values. A new section-level setting allows you to set expenses to be negative. Existing reports (created before this release) are not updated automatically bu may be updated by their owners. (November 18)
- A new feature allows you to review and update the default Dashboard budget while setting the Last Closed Month (November 18)
- There's a new "duplicate" option on the Edit Pay Types screen so you can conveniently copy existing pay types. (November 18)
- An integration is now available to Business Central via Binary Stream's MEM. (November 7)
- For customers with the Plus and Premium subscriptions, an Activity Log tab is now available on the Worksheet screen. (November 7)
- The ReportBuilder now allows you to choose rollup levels, especially useful for customers with multi-level dimension hierarchies (November 7)
- Personnel Budgeting - when a scenario is posted, notes are recorded in each line posted to the target budget (November 7)
- Personnel Budgeting: The target budget is archived as part of posting (November 7)
- The Martus EZ Connector is now available to help automate file-based integrations. (November 7)
- Martus now uses "Asset" rather than "Bank" to denote asset accounts. (October 6)
- Martus now allows you to sort your account categories into the desired reporting sequence with drag-and-drop rather than sequencing categories alphanumerically by category name (October 6)
- Admin users can once again update user email addresses and names (October 6)
- Martus now supports integration to NetSuite (October 6)
- Personnel Budgeting: Add notes to pay types to provide background details (September 14)
- The frozen-through date is now budget-specific, identifying the date through which you've loaded actuals into the budget for reforecasting. Also, when loading actuals into a budget (prior to reforecasting), you can now specify the month through which actuals are to be loaded, rather than basing the process on the Last Closed Month. (September 14)
- A new Pay Items tab in Personnel Budgeting makes it easier to make quick updates to pay item rates (September 14)
- Non-standard reporting periods ("5-4-4") are now supported for file-based integrations. (August 31)
- User consent is now required to collect personal information (August 31)
- Admin users are notified whenever another Admin user is added, or the Admin permission is assigned to a non-admin user (August 17)
- The Warehouse dimension is now supported for Sage Intacct integrations (August 17)
- The Side-by-Side Budget Comparison has been renamed to the Side-by-Side Budget and Actuals Comparison, and you can now include actuals as well as budget on this report! (August 3)
- Drilldown from hyperlinks is now available on ReportBuilder reports when data is displayed by account (August 3)
- When you use Planner Setup to set a budget as your Dashboard default, you can choose to also lock all the worksheets in that budget. Similarly when you set a budget as your Planner default, you can choose to unlock all the worksheets at the same time. (August 3)
- New color was added in the budget worksheets to better distinguish between the reference section and the budget section (July 14)
- Enhancement to select and delete multiple positions in Personnel Budgeting from one screen and easier now to delete pay items from the position modal (July 14)
- Stat accounts in Personnel Budgeting (June 26)
- Approval levels feature (hierarchical budget approvals) added to the Plus and Premium subscription levels (June 8)
- Positions & Pay Report - new grid (June 8)
- Option to use or require Security Question/Answer (May 11)
- Option to require MFA (May 11)
- Improvements to Create Budget, so that it is now even easier to create a budget based on combinations of actuals and budget (April 27)
- For Martus Partners, the new Partner Console for Partner user management (April 27)
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration with the Sylogist Overlay - Attachments are available, Service-to-Service Authorization is supported, budgets can be pulled into Martus, and the Advanced API 2.0 is required (April 6)
- Additional improvements to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration (March 2 and 16)
- Additional support for non-standard reporting periods with fixed 13-week quarters ("5-4-4"), for Sage Intacct only (March 2 and 16)
- Negative limits now allowed on negative percentage pay types, in Personnel Budgeting (March 2)
- Worksheets - checkbox to control whether excluded data is shown (February 17)
- Personnel Budgeting - Positions and Summary page have new grid filtering (February 17)
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration - Attachments are available, Service-to-Service Authorization is supported, budgets can be pulled into Martus, and the Advanced API 2.0 is required (February 17)
- For Cash Flow Forecasting, updates to cash flow templates for activity with complex cash flow impacts such as deferred revenue and prepaid expenses (February 17)
- Charts and KPIs are added to the ReportBuilder (February 13-14)
- Integration to Acumatica is now available (February 3)
- For Cash Flow Forecasting, starting balances are now amortized (February 3)
- Flat to Budget line action on the budget worksheet - a new option to summarize into a target line (January 20)
- Move Lines line action on the budget worksheet (January 20)
- For Cash Flow Forecasting, improvements to handling budgeted income when associated with an equity or liability account (January 6)
- Update to Martus subscription package names (January 6)
Release Notes and Change Log - 2023
These updates have been made in 2023. Scroll to the bottom of this list for a link to the complete Release Notes and Change Log current release notes.
- Cash Flow Forecasting (the Enterprise subscription) handling of budgeted expenses that are associated with cash accounts (December 27)
- Setup Email renamed to "Branding", ability to upload company logo (December 16)
- Use your logo on ReportBuilder reports (December 16)
- Support screen: link to sign up for the Martus Minute newsletter (December 16)
- New adjustment type on the Budget Widget: Burn Rate (December 2)
- Output reports as PDFs (December 2)
- Customize ReportBuilder outputs by setting font size, bolding, italics, alignment, text color, and background color (November 11)
- Updated Planner>Worksheets page includes more information more information and now has additional filtering, sorting, and paging options (November 11)
- Updated Personnel Budgeting Positions page now has additional filtering, sorting, and paging options. (November 11)
- New "Minimize all" button on the Worksheet to minimize and maximize all sections (November 11)
- Worksheet Status Report updated with enhanced filter, sort, and display format options (October 22)
- More kinds of activity tracked on the Activity Log - Advanced Plus subscription (October 22)
- Personnel Budgeting: Pooled positions (October 7)
- New: Activity Log on the Admin Reports menu - Advanced Plus only (October 7)
- Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (October 7)
- Email Log on the Admin Reports menu (September 16)
- Worksheets default to not showing reference data (September 16)
- New menu selection: Admin Reports (September 2)
- Saved Reports now shown in the Welcome to Martus section of the Welcome Screen (September 2)
- Improvements to user and password management (August 20)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, improvements in API usage efficiency (August 20)
- For Sage Intacct Integrations, support for AP Bill attachments in AvidXchange (August 4)
- For organizations that use SSO, Martus supports logging in directly from "" rather than requiring login from the SSO portal (July 23)
- When assigning owners and approvers, the option to add permissions immediately to users who don't have appropriate access (July 8, August 20)
- For Financial Edge NXT integrations, a new budget export option (July 8)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, efficiency improvements in the display of attachments (June 24)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, support for credit card attachments in Expensify (June 24)
- The Pay Item Grid has a new option to include the current Starting Rate/Amount for each position (June 24)
- New feature on the Setup menu: Customer Review Summary (for Reseller users) (June 24)
- New feature on the Setup menu: the Martus Status Summary (June 10)
- Improved Budget Info widget on Welcome Screen (June 10)
- Most import jobs are moved to the background queue, including Personnel Budgeting (Pay Data file, Pay Item Grid, and Scenario copies), Account Mapping file (for File-Based Integrations only), and the Sage Intacct budget upload (Sage Intacct integrations only) (June 10)
- New client-level option prevents the sync from processing any months after the Last Closed Month (June 10)
- Worksheet Management tab on Planner Setup shows roll-up status of worksheets for Top-Level Budgeting and Pre-Allocation budgets (June 10)
- New standard to limit nightly sync to weekday mornings rather than running on weekend days (June 4)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, support for credit card transaction attachments in Divvy (June 4)
- New feature added to Planner Setup to add Comments to budgets (June 4)
- New standard to limit nightly sync to weekday mornings rather than running on weekend days (June 4)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, support for credit card transaction attachments in Divvy (June 4)
- New feature added to Planner Setup to add Comments to budgets. (June 4)
- Updates in menu highlighting to improve user navigation (May 20)
- Automatic logout due to inactivity (May 20)
- Improvements to navigation from Martus emails for MFA users (May 6)
- ReportBuilder: updated template for Enhanced Income Statement (May 6)
- Positions & Pay Report (April 26)
- SPW Section name length increased to 50 characters (April 26)
- QuickBooks Desktop integration with Web Connector now supports MFA (April 26)
- MFA available for added security when accessing Martus (March 20)
- For Sage Intacct integrations, more information synced for dimension value names (March 20)
- For file-based integrations, support for defining a dimension that exists in Martus only (March 20)
- Security updates for Martus compliance with SOC2 (March 1)
- Password policy (February 11)
- Canadian date format support (February 11)
- Improvements in efficiency of monthly sync for Sage Intacct (February 11)
- Worksheet line action added to provide rounding for statistical accounts (February 11)
- Option to export a budget in Sage 300 format (January 28)
- A new line action, Flat to Budget, has been added to assist with reforecasting (January 14)
- Top Level Budgeting now offers an option for All Level Budgeting (January 14)
- Variance information is now provided on the worksheet (January 7)
- A new kind of reference data, "Current Year Budget" is available (January 7)
- The transition to Worksheet 2.0 has been completed and the traditional worksheet is not available (January 7)
Release Notes and Change Log - 2022
The document linked below lists updates to Martus for 2022. The most recent release was on December 3, 2022,
Highlights include:
- For QuickBooks Online integrations, support for the Customer/Project dimension (added January 8)
- For Personnel Budgeting, the Allocation Analysis (added January 25)
- The two-dimensional versions of the Income Statement and Planner Summary are improved to include account categories. Show dimensions in rows within account categories, or account categories in rows within dimensions (added Feb 11)
- Admins can designated Saved Reports as "Shared" so that they will be available to all users (added March 12)
- Dashboard layouts are now managed via Setup > Dashboards (March 12)
- Income Statement by Dimension in Excel (added April 7)
- Updated Personnel Allocations so that you can budget all allocations for a year on a single screen, even if the allocations overlap month ranges or vary in each individual month (April 21)
- Import personnel allocations from Excel (April 25)
- Improved precision in budgeting for employee benefits with two coverage level options at the employee level (April 7)
- Monthly tier option on pay types (May 22)
- For Financial Edge NXT integrations, balance sheet accounts are now available within Martus so that you can use them for budgeting and reporting (May 22)
- Welcome screen panel provides direct access to Saved Reports (June 4)
- Additional filters on the Income Statement by Dimension in Excel (June 4)
- FICA rate presentation changed to be consistent with the rest of Martus (June 18)
- SPWs prompt you to add values if you add a line without any (June 18)
- Worksheet 2.0 is released to production, can be set as the default version of the worksheet, and is available to admins and non-admins alike (July 2)
- For QuickBooks Desktop integrations, support for the Item dimension (July 2)
- Martus API is released in beta, along with Power Query instructions for Excel and Power BI users to access Martus data via that API (July 2)
- Support for statistical accounts for file-based integrations (July 23)
- Support for defining default cash flow mappings and overriding in budget worksheets and SPWs (beta, August 27)
- SPW summaries break out income vs expense (August 27)
- Section totals popup on SPWs. (September 17)
- Worksheet 2.0 has a new feature to round to ones, tens, hundreds, of thousands. Advanced subscription required. (September 17)
- "Set Password" email is renamed the "Invitation Email" and has been revamped to include a "Join Now" button. (October 1)
- Personnel Budgeting - new button to quickly duplicate a position (October 15)
- Personnel Budgeting Allocations - define hours per FTE in Config, total monthly hours shown on all Allocations Analysis views, plus a new Allocation Analysis option to show monthly hours per allocation (October 15)
- File-Based Integrations now support appending data from multiple columns (useful if you have multiple columns in the import file that contain memo-type information) (October 15)
- ReportBuilder is now in general release, a customized reporting tool. Advanced or Advanced Plus subscription required. (November 8) Drag-and-drop columns and notes on lines added November 19.
- Designated Fund Report renamed to Fund Balances Report, with additional filtering added for Sage Intacct integrations. (November 19)
- COGS type can be set on accounts, regardless of accounting system integration. (November 19)
- ReportBuilder - ability to drag-and-drop columns, and the ability to add notes on lines (November 19)
- ReportBuilder - new column type for Period Comparison, two new templates (Quarter-over-Quarter YTD and Side-By-Side Monthly Comparison) added to illustrate that column type (December 3)
- Close Month email now has a button so the recipient can go straight to Martus (December 3)
SPW Screen - Video - January 2021
The SPW screen was updated in many ways with the Martus release on January 11, 2021.
Click here for a video introducing those changes.