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Ask Marty! - Our AI-Powered Chatbot

Martus has now enabled our AI-powered chatbot! And of course, we've decided to name it "Ask Marty!".

Ask Marty! uses large language model AI capabilities to find and summarize information found in the Martus Knowledge Base and Help Files (those blue question marks throughout the software). Ask your questions -- and get useful answers, plus links to dive deeper if you wish!

Ask Marty! is available no matter where you are in Martus, and to all Martus users. Look for the chat icon in the upper right hand corner of your Martus screen.

When you click on the chat icon, a new pane will open where you can type your question. Once you click enter or the Send icon - the paper airplane - Ask Marty! will search our public Knowledge Base and Martus help files for an answer to your question and display it to you. Click the refresh icon to start a new question, or click the white X where the chat icon was to close the pane. And don't forget to thumbs up or thumbs down the response! We will monitor those in order to make Ask Marty! better!

Jump to the Step by Step Instructions below for a walkthrough!

A few notes about Ask Marty! and how it works.

  • Marty is trained exclusively on the Martus Knowledge Base and help files. It won't help you find recipes or a good vacation spot ;)
  • Marty uses CustomGPT and OpenAI to answer your questions.  
  • Marty doesn't know or track anything about you, not even your username or your permissions in Martus. You are completely anonymous!
  • Marty doesn't know anything about your organization's data in Martus. It can't even do math!
  • Your questions are saved in CustomGPT so that Martus staff can work to improve Marty. No user information is saved with the questions, and Martus staff cannot know which questions any user has asked. 
  • Marty will provide links to the source documents it uses to answer the questions you ask.
  • Marty will be monitored by our support team but does not have a way to connect the user to a support agent directly. If you need to talk to a real person, please contact your support. 

  • If you ever have a question about a response from Marty, make a note of your original question in order to help troubleshoot the answer via a support ticket.
  • Questions are saved in your browser history. You can clear your browser cache at any time to remove that history.
  • Want to chat with a live person? Reach out to your support team!

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Click the chat icon in the top right corner of the Martus screen.

  2. The chat window will appear on the right side of the screen, ready for your questions.

  3. Ask your software-related question! An answer will be displayed, along with links to source documents. Feel free to ask follow-up questions if you feel as though the first answer wasn't helpful.

  4. Rate the answer you receive with either a thumbs up or a thumbs down. This will help us make Ask Marty! better for our users.