Administration Topics

Sage Intacct Integrations

Integration Requirements & Permission Settings - Sage Intacct

Each instance of Martus is connected to a single Sage Intacct company, with a unique set of dimensions and Chart of Accounts. If your Sage Intacct configuration is distributed, each Sage Intact company is independent, so you’d have a separate Martus instance for each Sage Intacct company.

Supported Dimensions. Sage Intacct dimensions supported are:

  • Entity / Location
  • Department
  • Class
  • Item
  • Project
  • Employee
  • Customer
  • Vendor
  • UDDs. We do recommend that UDDs are created with an additional custom field so that you can use the “name” field for short ID codes, and a custom field for a fully descriptive name, even though Sage Intacct allows UDDs to only have the name field).

Private Dimensions. Martus supports private (entity-level) dimension values for both reporting and budgeting.

Dimension Restrictions. Martus can define dimension restrictions so that line item dimensions are

restricted by sheet dimension values on the basis of dimension relationships within Sage Intacct. Note that this feature is dependent on the specifics of the Sage Intacct and Martus configurations. It is not available for all dimensions and in all cases.

General Requirements

  • Budgets and GL accounts must be at the top level
  • Budgetable monthly reporting periods must exist for all years for which Martus will be reporting and budgeting

Support for Non-Standard Accounting Periods

Martus supports non-standard accounting periods with a fixed number of weeks per month (sometimes called “5-4-4”). Martus also supports definition of a week-beginning day to match the customer’s organizational requirement. This is set at time of implementation and can only be modified with a reimplementation. One basic calendar structure is

allowed per Martus instance.

For non-standard reporting periods with a fixed number of weeks in each quarter (“5-4-4”), here are the conditions that we support:

  • Fiscal year starts in any month
  • Week beginning day is client-specific
  • Calendar has fixed beginning and ending dates (limited to January 1 and December 31)
  • Calendar starts before the beginning of the fiscal year (FY starting in any month)
  • Calendar starts after the beginning of the fiscal year (limited to fiscal years that start in a month other than January)

Please let your implementation contact know if you have any questions about whether your organization fits within this structure.

Requirements for Encumbrances. Martus’ reporting is based on Open and Pending POs and PRs. To be cleared out of the Martus reports of total encumbered, the POs must be converted to payables.

Alternate or Additional Book IDs. 

Each instance of Martus is configured to use either the Accrual or theCash book in Sage Intacct. Martus can also be configured to layer on additional books; the internal book ID is required for this. Refer to the Knowledge Base article Identifying the Internal Book ID: Sage Intacct Integrations for instructions about finding the internal book ID.

Display of Attachments. 

With the Advanced and Advanced Plus subscriptions, Martus supports the

display of attachments located within Sage Intacct for AP Bills (for an instance configured to use the Accrual book), AP Payments (for an instance configured to use the Cash book), GL journal transactions, and Credit Card transactions.

  • Support for Custom Attachment Location for AP Bills. Martus can also be configured to use a custom location for AP Bill attachments for integrations with Concur,, AvidXchange, and Beanworks. Note that Martus supports only one attachment location for AP Bills (either the native Sage Intacct location, Concur, AvidXchange, Beanworks, or
  • Support for Custom Attachment Location for Credit Card Transactions. Martus can also be configured to use a custom location for CC Transaction attachments for integrations with Divvy. Note that Martus supports only one attachment location for CC Transactions (either the native Sage Intacct location or Divvy).

Support for the Multi-Entity Console Setting “Restrict Users to Top Level”. 

This setting within Martus is defined at implementation and affects the Martus process that updates budgets within Sage Intacct. Let your implementer know if you are restricting users to the top level.

Martus User

  • The Martus user must be a Web Services User with the user type “Business” and the permissions noted below.
  • Martus Solutions must be defined as a white-listed sender.
  • Detailed instructions about how to set up this user are provided in the document Connecting to Sage Intacct.

Sage Intacct Permissions Needed

  • Your Sage Intacct environment may not be configured for all the modules below.
  • Any dimension name that is customized in your Sage Intacct will appear in your permissions list with the customized name. For example, if you call the class dimension “Restriction”, you will see “Restriction” not “Class” in the list of permissions.
  • Any Permission Name that is listed in more than one module should be enabled in both modules.
  • if there are any dimensions that you do not use at all (for example, Project), you do not need to grant permission for that dimension to the Martus web service user.

Module Permission Name Access

  • Company Module: List and view to all utilized dimensions
    • Departments List|View
    • Entities List|View
    • Locations List|View
    • Class List|View
    • Employees List|View
    • Reporting Periods List|View
    • Attachment Folders List|View
    • Attachments List|View
  • General Ledger Module:
    • Journal Entries List|View
    • Statistical Journal Entries List|View
    • Adjusting Journal Entries List|View
    • Statistical Adjusting Journal Entries List|View
    • User-Defined Journal Entries List|View
    • GAAP Adjusting Entries List|View
    • Tax Adjusting Entries List|View
    • User-Defined Books List|View
    • Accounts List|View
    • Statistical Accounts List|View
    • Budgets List|View|Add|Edit|Delete
    • Journals List|View
    • Statistical Journals List|View
    • Adj Journals List|View
    • Statistical Adj Journals List|View
    • User-Defined Journals List|View
    • GAAP Adjustment Journals List|View
    • Recurring Journal Entries List|View
    • Recurring Statistical Journal Entries List|View
    • Reporting Periods List|View
    • Trial Balance Run
      • Note: The Martus web services user does not need access to open/close books, approve journal entries, view account groups, or anything to do with templates, or revenuerecognition.
  • Accounts Payable Module:
    • Vendors List|View
    • Bills List|View
    • Adjustments List|View
    • Recurring Bills List|View
    • Payment requests List|View (required if Martus is linked to the Cash book)
    • Posted payments List|View (required if Martus is linked to the Cash book)
  • Purchasing Module:
    • Vendors List View
    • Vendors List|View
  • Accounts Receivable 
    • Customers List|View
    • Projects List|View
  • Cash Management 
    • Credit Card Transactions List|View
    • Credit Card Charges and Other Fees List|View
  • Projects 
    • Customers List|View
    • Projects List|View
    • Items List|View
    • Employees List|View
  • Order Entry 
    • Customers List|View
    • Items List|View
  • Additional Dimension 
    • All UDDs List|View

Once you’ve assigned permissions to that user, you can export the list of permissions from your environment and compare it to the list above.

Connecting to Sage Intacct

There are three steps that must be taken within Sage Intacct so that Martus can be integrated with your

Sage Intacct environment. Each step is described below, with examples provided for your reference.

  • Turn on Web Services
  • Add Martus Solutions as a white-listed sender.
  • Create a Web Services User with appropriate permissions.

Additionally, if you have set Sage intact to limit access to a specific IP address, you must add Martus’ IP address as a permitted IP.


Step 1 - Turn on Web Services

Check the status of Web Services and turn that feature on in Sage Intacct if it is not already active. Note: If you have already configured any other third-party services, you will probably already have Web Services turned on. 

  1. Go to: Company > Admin > Subscriptions

  2. Scroll down to ‘Web Services’ > Slide to ‘on’ if not already done

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated

Step 2 - Add Martus Solutions as a White-listed Sender

  1. Company > Setup tab > Company

A screenshot of a computer 
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2. Select the ‘Security’ tab at the top, then click ‘Edit’ on the right side

A white rectangular object with a black border 
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3. Scroll down to ‘Web Services Authorizations’ and click ‘Add’

A yellow text on a white background 
Description automatically generated

4. Enter the following:

  • Sender ID: Martus Solutions
  • Description: Martus Solutions

The sender ID must be Martus Solutions and cannot contain any other characters or be formatted in any other way.

5. Click ‘Save’

A screenshot of a computer 
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Step 3 - Add a Web Services User to Access Sage Intacct

1. Company > Admin tab > Web Services Users > Click the ‘+’ sign to add

A screenshot of a computer 
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2. Scroll down to ‘Contact Name’ and select the drop-down menu – if Martus does not exist yet click ‘Add’

A screenshot of a computer 
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3. Fill out the contact info and select ‘Save’

  • Last Name: Support
  • First Name: Martus
  • Primary email:

Click 'Save'

Scroll back to the top of the page and fill out the Web Services User Information Screen with this information:

  • User ID: xml_gateway_martus
  • Username: Martus Solutions
  • Account email address:
  • Status: Active
  • User type: Business
  • Admin privileges: Off

5. Permissions

  • If you have a ‘Roles information’ tab at the top, select the 'Roles Information' tab at the top to add a Martus role
  • If you do not have this tab at the top please skip this step and hit 'Save' in the top right hand corner
  • If role-based permissions are not configured in Sage Intacct and you do not have this tab at the top you’ll need to apply the permissions to the Web Services User after you click Save. Refer to the link below for the permissions needed.

You will need to now configure the role with permissions, please refer to:

Integration Requirements & Permission Settings – Sage Intacct

When you click Save, you may see a warning message “By creating this user, additional charges may be incurred.” To Martus’ knowledge, Sage Intacct does not charge you for Web Services users. However, please reach out to Sage Intacct if you have any question about charges for Web Services Users.

If Using IP Access Controls within Access Sage Intacct 

The option controlling whether IP Address filters are used is located at Company/Setup/Company, on the Security tab. These options are available under the label Enforce IP address filters/IP Filter. If IP filters are enforced at the user level, you must add the IP addresses for the Martus web services user. Martus’ IP addresses are and

A screenshot of a computer 
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Identifying Internal Book IDs - Sage Intacct Integrations

Martus is normally configured to read from either the ACCRUAL or CASH books within Intacct. 

However, Martus can be configured to read activity from a different book, or from additional books. 

In order to do this, you must provide Martus with the desired book’s internal book ID, not the name of the book that is shown on the Sage Intacct screens.  

Once you know the internal book ID that you wish to have Martus use, log a ticket with Martus Support to update your Martus configuration to include that book ID. 

Within Sage Intacct create a custom report by selecting Company > Reports > All > Custom Reports

Select 'GL Journal' as the 'Primary Data Source' and then click 'Next'

Select the following fields and then hit the drop down at the top and change it to 'Save and Add to Menu'

Fill out the boxes and name your report whatever you would like and hit 'Save'

Now run that report and provide Martus with the Book ID