Administration Topics

Other Setup Topics

Account Categories (Video)

Account Categories is a feature within Martus that allows you to group accounts for reporting purposes. With account categories, you can consolidate information on your Income Statement and other financial reports into a concise format that groups related GL accounts together.

Setting Up Account Categories

  • Go to Setup > Account Categories, and click Add Category to create categories.
  • To create child categories, select a Parent category. You can nest as many parent/children as needed.
  • Drag and drop your categories to order them as needed.
  • Export and import account categories to make mass updates.
  • Once all your account categories are created, go to Setup > Accounts and change the Category of your accounts.


Changing the Order of Account Categories 

  1. Create at least two account categories.
  2. Click on the gripper (it looks like an 8 domino) to the left of an account category and drag it to the appropriate place.
  3. Changes are automatically saved.

Note: In order to move an account category under a new parent (a category without any children), first edit one of the children and set the parent to the new parent. Then you can drag and drop under that parent category.

Using Account Categories

Account categories are used to group accounts for reporting purposes. You can select them as Rows, and also specify a specific category to view on most reports under Account Category. Additionally, use Account Categories in Load Second Dimension when Rows are set to a dimension. Account categories can also be used in Report Builder.

Account categories can also be used in Report Builder. 

Exporting and Importing Account Categories

You can export the account categories, make updates or add entries, and then import the file back into Martus. Be sure that parent categories are listed before child categories.

The video below walks you through setting up account categories.
NOTE: This video does not yet demonstrate the more recent release of the ability to drag and drop categories.


Setup > Calendar - Managing the Last Closed Month

The Last Closed Month is the only data within Martus that should be updated each month.

The Last Closed Month in Martus determines the default Ending Date on your financial reports and in the ReportBuilder. It defines the month through which actuals are shown in the reference data on budget worksheets. It also defines which month actuals are loaded into a budget when creating a budget.

Note: Martus’ Last Closed Month is completely independent of your accounting system.  The Last Closed Month has no impact on the nightly sync of GL activity from your accounting system into your Martus financials.


You should update the Last Closed Month regularly to maximize the usefulness of Martus. The best practice is to do this each time you close a month in your accounting system. Many Martus clients like to set the Last Closed Month to the current month so that viewers of the financial reports will automatically see the most recently synced actuals.


When you set the Last Closed Month, you can also choose to send an email to all your Martus users. That email contains a link so that your users can go straight into Martus! This email can be customized. Click here for more information.

The Setup > Calendar page also displays and can assign the Dashboard budget. The Dashboard budget is the budget that will be available to non-admin users on the Dashboard > Financial reports. It is also the budget that will be defaulted for Admins. This should be set for the fiscal year the month is closed in.

Close a Month - Step by Step:

  1. Go to Setup > Calendar.
  2. Select the appropriate month.

  3. Click Notify Users to send an email to your users, if desired.

  4. Click Close Month.

Set a Dashboard Default - Step by Step

  1. Go to Setup > Calendar
  2. Click Set Defaults
  3. Choose the appropriate budget
  4. Select Lock Worksheets to ensure the budget can not be unintentionally changed
  5. Click Save

Martus Status Summary

Use the Martus Status Summary to review your Martus Status Score


A perfect "100" indicates that you are using Martus well, are ensuring that your users have easy access to updated actuals, and that you have key budget components locked down.   

To Access your Martus Status Summary

Admin Reports > Martus Status Summary

Explanation of the Martus Status Score 

This score reflects your Martus configuration and usage.  Points are deducted as follows:

  • -10 if the Last Closed Month is more than three months in the past
  • -10 if any worksheets in the Dashboard budget are not locked
  • -30 if there is no default Dashboard for the current fiscal year
  • -30 if there are no recent logins (within the last 30 days)

Example of a Perfect 100 Martus Status Score

Example of a 90 Martus Status Score

  • The Dashboard budget (which is usually your approved and final budget!) has some unlocked worksheets subtracting 10 from their score for a total of 90 points 

Example of a 60 Martus Status Score

  • The Last Closed Month is several months in the past. Update this to the current month so that users will automatically see current actuals when they log into Martus. (A setting in the past like this means that users must take an extra step to choose a more current date when they review their reports.)
  • There is no default Dashboard budget set. This means that users either have to select the budget to be used for comparison on their reports, or that there is no budget available for them to see at all!

User Login Summary Widget

This widget shows important information about your Martus users, including:

  • Total Active users and total user licenses 
  • Number of users who have logged in within the past 30 days, 60 days, last year, and never.
  • There’s a link to the User List so that you can quickly update users, for example, inactivating users who have never logged in.
  • If no users have logged in the past 30 days, 10 points are deducted from your Martus Status Score. (In practice, this score deduction is only be made when this score is viewed by Martus Support, since you have to actually log in to see this screen!)
Activity Log

The Activity Log is a feature of the Plus and Premium subscriptions. The log captures the date and time of the activity, the user who performed the action, the action, the entity (the object of the action), and provides additional details as well.

The Activity Log is not an audit log. It does not track detail to the level of amounts that are updated on budget worksheets. Best practice is to use the Notes function of the Budget Widget in worksheets to track amount changes, and/or create versions of budgets to preserve historical data.

The Activity Log is accessed from Admin Reports in the menu, so it is available only to Admin users. There are no additional permissions that apply to viewing the Activity Log.

NOTE: The Activity Log can also be accessed from a Planner worksheet. It contains activity specific to the open worksheet.

The Activity Log captures these and many more actions: 



Slide-ins (also, logged actions performed when you've slid in as another user identify both users)

Adding and deactivating users 

Updating user permissions

Budget Worksheet Activities


Added worksheet

Deleted worksheet

Change to or from top-level (which dimension was updated)

Budget Updates - Line Actions

Add Line

Adjust Lines

Change Line Dimensions

Delete Lines

Flat to Budget



Save Line

Save Line

Budget Changes from Planner > Setup

Import data

Deleted and archived

Deleted from archive


Restore from archive

Set viewable / non-viewable

Set or unset as Dashboard or Planner

Assign and remove approver

Assign and remove owner

Personnel Budgeting Scenarios



Lock or Unlock

Post to Budget

Allocation Applied

SPW-related updates


Add SPW Template

Recalculate Reporting Groups (button on the SPW screen)

Email Log

The Email Log is a feature available to Martus Admins. The Email Log is accessed from Admin Reports in the menu. The log captures the date and time of any email sent through Martus, and the current status.

NOTE: You must hit Load to view sent emails. They do not automatically show on the page!

Status is defined as:

  • Sent - Email was sent
  • Opened - Email was opened by the receiver
  • Bounced - Email was not delivered and the email address in user's profile needs reviewed
  • WaitingToRetry - Martus is waiting to retry sending the email to the receiver

In the log, you are able to filter and sort each column as needed, and choose which columns to show/hide.

The Error column lists any problems encountered, which allows the Admin to address the root cause. 

If you have an issue with an email sent from Martus, please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer, or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners. 

Setup > Branding

The Branding page allows you to control the look and feel of certain aspects of Martus. This page includes three tabs:

  • Logo - Add a logo file of either .jpg or .png that can be utilized in ReportBuilder
  • Close Month Email - Allows customization of the Last Closed Month email
  • Invitation Email - Allows customization of the New User Email

Adding a Logo for ReportBuilder

  1. Go to Setup > Branding
  2. Navigate to the Logo tab
  3. Click Choose File to find the appropriate file, which must be a .png or .jpeg file
  4. Click Upload Client Logo
  5. The file types that are supported to be uploaded within branding are .jpg and .png

    For more information on ReportBuilder formatting, click here.

Customizing the Close Month Email

  1. Go to Setup > Branding 
  2. Navigate to the Close Month Email tab

  3. Fill out the form as desired

  4. The email above will appear as follows when delivered:

    For more information on the Last Closed Month, click here.

Customizing the Invitation Email

  1. Go to Setup > Branding 
  2. Navigate to the Invitation Email tab

  3. Fill out the form as desired

  4. The email above will appear as follows when delivered:

    For more information on adding Users, click here.

Dimension FAQ

What are dimensions? 

  • Dimensions can be thought of as tags on GL activity that allow your GL activity to be filtered and summarized in many different ways.  
  • Defining dimensions in Martus is a crucial configuration that affects the structure of budget worksheets, user restrictions, and reporting filters.

How can I see my dimensions? 

  • You can see the dimensions that are configured in your Martus instance by going to Setup > Dimensions

What is a line dimension vs a sheet dimension

  • Line dimensions are tags inside a budget worksheet on the budget line.
  • Sheet dimensions determine how budget worksheets are defined. A separate budget worksheet is created for each unique combination of sheet dimensions.
  • Examples of line vs sheet dimensions can be found here 

I need additional dimensions to be added to Martus, how can I get those added?

  • Please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners. 

I want my dimensional setup to be different than how I have my instance set currently, how can I do that?

  • Please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners.

What happens if I change a dimension name or number in Martus?

  • Do not rename Dimension values in Martus if you are using an API integration without contacting your support representative. For file based customers, changes may be made but they will affect all previous years, and future transaction files must include the new informaiton.

How do I inactivate a Dimension?

  • Navigate to Setup > Dimensions
  • Click View [#] next to the appropriate dimension
  • Click Edit on the dimension to make Inactive
  • Select the box for Inactive
  • If you are an API based client, also select the option to lock the dimension
  • Click save.

API Based Clients

If I rename my dimensions in my accounting software will the rename flow down to Martus? 

  • Yes, the name change will flow down to Martus in our nightly sync. 

File Based Clients

I renamed my dimension in my accounting software, what do I need to do now?

  •  Please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners.

What will happen if I do not advise Martus of the name change? 

  • When you attempt to upload your monthly transactions It will cause your upload to error 

Changing Your Accounting System

Martus integrates with more than 20 accounting and ERP systems. Each integration is slightly different and requires that Martus be configured in specific ways.  

If you are planning on changing your accounting system, we'll need to create and configure a new instance of Martus. There is a reimplementation fee associated with switching accounting systems.

We can help make your transition as smooth as possible!  Please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer, or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners. 

Review the questions below and provide the requested information in your support ticket or to your partner. That will help us or your partner to work with you to develop a transition plan.

Information to Provide in the Ticket to Support or your Partner

What is your current accounting system? And your new system? 

  • Current system: 
  • New system: 

When do you plan to go live on the new system?

Are you keeping the same fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • If no, what is your new fiscal year?

Would you like to upgrade to a different subscription during the transition? 

  • Yes / No

Dashboard Updater

Martus' budgeting and reporting features rely on the ability to view what has been spent versus what is budgeted. The budget to actual reporting and the ability to see actuals while budgeting are key aspects of Martus. For our customers using one of our integrated accounting systems, the flow of actuals into Martus happens automatically every weeknight via the auto-update process, also called the nightly sync. 

The Dashboard Updater screen is important as it allows a user to do the following:

  • Manually pull into Martus any changes to Actuals on demand.
  • Manually pull into Martus any changes to Accounts on demand.
  • Manually pull into Martus any changes to Dimensions on demand.
  • Display all nightly syncs and other Martus tasks and their status.


Martus automatically syncs via our API with the following integrated accounting systems. (For other accounting systems, Martus provides a file-based approach where actuals can be loaded manually or through the Martus EZ connector.)

  • Sage Intacct
  • QuickBooks (QBO and Desktop)
  • Financial Edge NXT 
  • Microsoft Dynamics

The Martus Sync

Martus' auto-update runs every weeknight. It automatically syncs:

  • The current and previous two months of actuals
    • Scenario one: Current date of 1/1/2024 - Martus will sync Jan 2024, December 2023, November 2023
    • Scenario two: Current date of 6/30/2024 - Martus will sync June 2024, May 2024, April 2024
  • The Chart of Accounts
  • All dimensions

Manually Syncing Actuals

The nightly process runs the updater to sync the current month and two prior months. If you have made changes in months outside that range, those changes would not be picked up. You will have to manually sync the actuals to ensure Martus picks up those changes. Or if there are transactions in the accounting system added today that need to be visible in Martus to run a report, the following steps will refresh all actuals in Martus for the months chosen.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Updater.
  2. Choose the appropriate months.
  3. Click Sync Monthly Actuals.

Manually Syncing Dimensions

There are times when it is necessary to add data such as accounts or dimension values to your accounting system and have that data immediately available in Martus rather than waiting for the nightly sync. 

  1. Go to Dashboard > Updater.
  2. Click the appropriate Chart of Accounts or Dimension Sync - your Martus instance may have different dimension options.

The Updater Task Queue

The Updater Task Queue is a list of all jobs, both automated such as the nightly sync (or auto-update), and manual such as a budget copy. The task queue is monitored by Martus Support staff who may reach out to you if there are issues. The task queue will show all successful and errored jobs. If you receive an error, please create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer, or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners. 

Martus Sync Limitations:

  • The Dashboard > Updater screen only PULLS information from the accounting system. It does NOT push data from Martus out to the accounting system. 
  • It is possible for Martus support staff to PULL budgets from the accounting system if needed.
  • Intacct Customers ONLY - can PUSH their budget directly to Sage Intacct via the Planner > Intacct screen.

Managing Defaults

Dashboard Default Budget

The Dashboard Default Budget will be the default budget that will be used to generate the reports under Setup > Dashboard.

Setting this is important as it will ensure that your reports will load with the correct budget information you want.

How To Set Your Default Budget

  1. Only admins can set default budgets 
  2. Go to Setup > Planner Setup
  3. Check the box for the budget that you want to set as the default
  4. Click 'Set as Dashboard'

Planner Default Budget

The Planner Default Budget will be the default budget that will be used to generate the reports under Planner > Summary.

Setting this is important as it will ensure that your reports will load with the correct budget information you want.

How To Set Your Planner Default Budget

  1. Only admins can set default budgets
  2. Go to Setup > Planner Setup
  3. Check the box for the budget that you want to set as the default
  4. Click 'Set as Planner'

Last Closed Month

The Last Closed Month will be the default end date on all of your Dashboard reports. It will also dictate the actuals you will see when looking at reference data in worksheets. 

Setting this is important as it will ensure that your users will be able to see the actuals up until your last closed month. 

How To Set Your Last Closed Month

  1. Only admins can update the Last Closed Month
  2. Go to Setup > Calendar
  3. Click the calendar icon and choose the appropriate month you need to be the default end month of your reports
  4. Optionally check 'Notify Users' to send them an email letting them know the last closed month has been updated
  5. Click 'Close Month'
  6. Make sure to do this whenever you close your month in your accounting system 

Budget Year

The Budget Year will be the default year in the Planner Section.  It does not impact the Dashboard > Financial Reports. 

Setting this is important as it will ensure that if a new budget year has come that you and your users will be in the correct year for budgeting. 

How To Set Your Default Budget Year

  1. Only admins can update the Last Closed Month
  2. Go to Planner > Planner Setup > Set Budget Year Tab
  3. Change the dropdown to the year you need
  4. Click 'Set Budget Year'


If I do not have a Dashboard or Planner default set what will happen? 

When you go into Dashboard or Planner if the report you are looking at contains budget information it will not load any budget data if do not have a Dashboard or Planner Default set

Who can change the Dashboard and Planner Defaults, Last Closed Month and Planner Year? 

Only admins 

When should I update my last closed month? What will happen if I do not update this? 

If you have a 'Last Closed Month' checklist we recommend adding a step advising the Martus admin to update the last closed month in Martus once the month is closed in your accounting software. If you do not do this your actuals will only show up until the previous closed by be default. 

I have set my budget year to the new calendar year but my Financial Reports are not changing?

The budget year will not impact the financial reports under Dashboard > Financial Reports. If you need your Financial reports to reflect your new budget year please update your Last Close Month to be a month within your new fiscal year.

Custom Budget Spreads

Standard spreads in Martus include Monthly, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Quarterly, Annual, etc. Custom spreads allow our clients to specify alternate budget patterns according to their needs.

Custom Spreads allow for customized budget patterns, and can be used by any user. Custom spreads might include:

  • Days per month
  • Business days per month
  • Weekdays per month
  • School days per month
  • Summer months
  • Q1 months

Both standard and custom spreads can be used in the budget widget in SPWs and worksheets once custom spreads have been created.

Just like the standard spreads, the custom spreads are a mechanism to calculate budget amounts for each month. The spread that was used to determine the values is not saved as part of the budget line or the SPW. The calculated values can be overridden at any time. 

Custom Spreads - Setup

Custom budget spreads are defined via Setup > Calendar > Custom Spreads. They can be created and edited by Martus Admins only. Custom spreads are shown with monthly impacts, according to your fiscal year start.

  • Click Add Spread to add a new custom spread.
  • Click Edit (pencil icon) to modify the spread.
  • Click Delete (trash can) to remove the spread.

Add a New Spread

  1. Navigate to Setup > Calendar > Custom Spreads.
  2. Click Add Spread to add a new spread.
  3. Add a Name for the spread.
  4. Enter the numbers per month for this spread.
    • Numbers can be whole, representing days.
    • Numbers can toggle 0/1, representing the month is in scope or isn't.
    • Numbers can have decimals, to represent a multiplier.
  5. Click Save to save the spread, or Cancel to leave without saving.

Using Custom Budget Spreads

Custom Spreads are available in the Budget Widget in worksheets and in SPWs for all users.

  1. In the Budget Widget, select Custom Spread under Adjustment Type.
  2. Select the Spread desired.
  3. Select the type of spread.
    • Total - Select a Source for the total Amount, or manually enter the total Amount to be distributed evenly across the months, based on the Spread selected. Note: Selecting a Source is not available in the SPW widget because there is no direct tie to actuals or budget data.
    • Rate - Enter the Amount for each month, based on the Spread selected.
  4. Select the Starting and Ending Months if desired and allowed for this spread.
  5. Click Preview to see the results.
  6. Add Notes if desired.
  7. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to leave without saving.

Example using the Total calculation based on a Source using the 2024 Business Days spread

The goal is to divide the total amount per year and spread it across each working day. 

The Amount, the total of the Source selected, is divided by the total sum of the months in the spread, then multiplied by the amount in the month. In the example, there are 253 total days in the spread. 559,017.92 is divided by 253, and then multiplied by 22 for January, resulting in 48,610.25 in January.

Example using the Total calculation based on an Amount using the 2024 Business Days spread

The Amount is divided by the total sum of the months in the spread, then multiplied by the amount in the month. In the example, there are 253 total days in the spread. 50,000.00 is divided by 253, and then multiplied by 22 for January, resulting in 4,347.83 in January.

Example using the Rate calculation based on the Summer (May-Aug) spread

The Amount is multiplied by the amount for each month in the spread.

Example using the Rate calculation based on a decimal spread

The Amount is multiplied by the percent for each month in the spread.