Administration Topics

Other Setup Topics

Account Categories - Video

Account Categories is a feature within Martus that allows you to group accounts for reporting purposes. With account categories, you can consolidate information on your Income Statement and other financial reports into a concise format that groups related GL accounts together. Then, you can see summaries by category within the financial and budget reports.

To Set Up Account Categories

Within Martus click Setup > Account Categories 

Once you have created a category you can add additional children categories by telling Martus which account is the parent account. 

Once all your account categories are created you can access Setup > Account and change the 'Account Category' of your accounts. 

You can set up any categories that you wish, and you can change them at any time. You may wish to number your categories to control the sequence in which they are displayed on reports. 

Account categories are specific to Martus, independent of any kind of account grouping that you set up in your accounting system.

The video below walks you through setting up account categories 


Setting the Last Closed Month

The Last Closed Month is the only data within Martus that should be updated each month.

The Last Closed Month in Martus determines the default Ending Date on your financial reports and in the ReportBuilder. It defines the month through which actuals are shown on your budget worksheets. It also defines the month through which a frozen budget cannot be updated and identifies the month through which actuals are loaded into a budget when creating a mid-year forecast.

Note: Martus’ Last Closed Month is completely independent of your accounting system.  The Last Closed Date has no impact on the nightly sync of GL activity from your accounting system into your Martus financials.


You should update the Last Closed Month regularly to maximize the usefulness of Martus. The best practice is to do this each time you close a month in your accounting system. Many Martus clients like to set the Last Closed Month to the current month so that viewers of the financial reports will automatically see the most recently synced accounting information.


When you set the Last Closed Month, you can also choose to send an email to all your Martus users. That email contains a link so that your users can go straight into Martus! This email can be customized. Click here for more information.

Close a Month - Step by Step:

  1. Go to Setup > Calendar
  2. Select the appropriate new month

  3. Click Notify Users to send an email to your users, if desired

  4. Click Close Month

Martus Status Summary

Use the Martus Status Summary to review your Martus Status Score


A perfect "100" indicates that you are using Martus well, are ensuring that your users have easy access to updated actuals, and that you have key budget components locked down.   

To Access your Martus Status Summary

Admin Reports > Martus Status Summary

Explanation of the Martus Status Score 

This score reflects your Martus configuration and usage.  Points are deducted as follows:

  • -10 if the Last Closed Month is more than three months in the past
  • -10 if any worksheets in the Dashboard budget are not locked
  • -30 if there is no default Dashboard for the current fiscal year
  • -30 if there are no recent logins (within the last 30 days)

Example of a Perfect 100 Martus Status Score

Example of a 90 Martus Status Score

  • The Dashboard budget (which is usually your approved and final budget!) has some unlocked worksheets subtracting 10 from their score for a total of 90 points 

Example of a 60 Martus Status Score

  • The Last Closed Month is several months in the past. Update this to the current month so that users will automatically see current actuals when they log into Martus. (A setting in the past like this means that users must take an extra step to choose a more current date when they review their reports.)
  • There is no default Dashboard budget set. This means that users either have to select the budget to be used for comparison on their reports, or that there is no budget available for them to see at all!

User Login Summary Widget

This widget shows important information about your Martus users, including:

  • Total Active users and total user licenses 
  • Number of users who have logged in within the past 30 days, 60 days, last year, and never.
  • There’s a link to the User List so that you can quickly update users, for example, inactivating users who have never logged in.
  • If no users have logged in the past 30 days, 10 points are deducted from your Martus Status Score. (In practice, this score deduction is only be made when this score is viewed by Martus Support, since you have to actually log in to see this screen!)
Activity Log

The Martus Activity Log is a part of the Advanced Plus subscription. This selection on the Admin Reports menu is illustrated below.  It captures the user who performed the action, the action, the entity (the object of the action), and provides additional in the Details column. 

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated

The Activity Log captures these actions: 



Slide-ins (also, logged actions performed when you've slid in as another user identify both users)

Adding and deactivating users 

Updating user permissions

Budget Worksheet Activities


Added worksheet

Deleted worksheet

Change to or from top-level (which dimension was updated)

Budget Updates - Line Actions

Add Line

Adjust Lines

Change Line Dimensions

Delete Lines

Flat to Budget



Save Line

Save Line

Budget Changes from Planner > Setup

Import data

Deleted and archived

Deleted from archive


Restore from archive

Set viewable / non-viewable

Set or unset as Dashboard or Planner

Assign and remove approver

Assign and remove owner

Personnel Budgeting Scenarios



Lock or Unlock

Post to Budget

SPW-related updates


Add SPW Template

Recalculate Reporting Groups (button on the SPW screen)

Setup > Branding

The Branding page allows you to control the look and feel of certain aspects of Martus. This page includes three tabs:

  • Logo - Add a Logo that can be utilized in ReportBuilder
  • Close Month Email - Allows customization of the Last Closed Month email
  • Invitation Email - Allows customization of the New User Email

Adding a Logo for ReportBuilder:

  1. Go to Setup > Branding
  2. Navigate to the "Logo" tab
  3. Click on "Choose file" to find the appropriate file
  4. Click on "Upload Client Logo"
    For more information on ReportBuilder formatting, click here.

Customizing the Close Month Email:

  1. Go to Setup > Branding 
  2. Navigate to the "Close Month Email" tab
  3. Fill out the form as desired
  4. The email above will appear as follows when delivered:

    For more information on the Last Closed Month, click here.

Customizing the Invitation Email:

  1. Go to Setup > Branding 
  2. Navigate to the "Invitation Email" tab
  3. Fill out the form as desired
  4. The email above will appear as follows when delivered:

    For more information on adding Users, click here.