Administration Topics

QuickBooks Integrations

QuickBooks Online Integration Features and Requirements

Dimension Setup 

Supported Dimensions

  • Class
  • Location
  • Customer/Project
  • Additional Martus-only dimension, usually used for Department, when the Chart of Accounts is organized by department rather than being natural. 


  • Martus supports Class as a dimension. 
  • All class names must be unique, including any inactive classes. 


  • Martus supports the Customer/Project 
  • All Customer and Project names must be unique, including any that are inactive. 


  • Martus supports Location as a dimension. All location names must be unique, including any that are inactive. 

Departmentalizing the Chart of Accounts If the Chart of Accounts is not natural, a department dimension can be created within Martus and assigned to accounts to provide reporting and budgeting by department.

Account Setup 


  • Accounts must be used in QuickBooks Online, including on all parent accounts. Any account that does not have an account number will not be recognized in Martus.
  • NOTE: It is not sufficient to include the account number within the name in QuickBooks Online; it must be in the account number field. 


  • If multiple currencies are used, Martus shows base currency transaction data and totals. Budgeting and reporting is done in the base currency. 

Equity Accounts and Fund Balance Reporting

  • Martus supports the use of Equity accounts for Fund Balance Reporting.  Note that feature is not activated by default; it must be turned on by Martus Support. 



  • If you are a Quickbooks Online customer and you have the 'Advanced' level of Quickbooks you can manually import budgets into Quickbooks from Financial Planning > Budgets

QuickBooks Desktop Features and Integration Requirements


Supported Dimensions

  • Class
  • Customer/Job
  • Items
  • Martus-only dimension, typically Department, used when the Chart of Accounts is structured by department rather than natural. 

Dimension Setup 


  • Martus supports Class as a dimension. 
  • All class names must be unique, including any inactive classes. 


  • Martus supports the Customer/Job as a dimension within QuickBooks Desktop. All customer/job names must be unique, including any that are inactive. 


  • Martus supports Items as a dimension within QB Desktop. All item names must be unique, including any that are inactive. 

Departmentalizing the Chart of Accounts If the Chart of Accounts is not natural, departments can be created within Martus and assigned to accounts to provide budgeting and reporting by department.


  • Account numbers must be used in QuickBooks, including on all parent accounts. 
  • Any account that does not have an account number will not be recognized in Martus. Note that it is not sufficient to include the account number within the name in QuickBooks; it must be in the account number field. 

Equity Accounts and Fund Balance Reporting

Martus supports the use of Equity accounts for Fund Balance Reporting.  Note that feature is not activated by default; it must be turned on by Martus Support.