Personnel Budgeting

New Year for Personnel Scenarios

New Year for Personnel Learning Path

The following learning path will cover the sections of Personnel Budgeting that need to be reviewed and updated to successfully create a new personnel scenario for the next fiscal year.

Learning Path:

Use the link below to navigate through the learning path.

New Year in Personnel - Learning Path >> Prerequisites for a new fiscal year in Personnel

Prerequisites for a New Year in Personnel

Before beginning the process of Personnel in a New Year, there are a few tasks that need to be completed to ensure a smoother start to your new fiscal year in Personnel Budgeting. If these tasks are not completed before copying a scenario into the next fiscal year, Martus may return errors rather than successfully copying the scenario.

1. Ensure you have a Planner Budget 

Positions in a personnel scenario are mapped to budget worksheets in a Planner Budget based on the dimensions defined in the position setup. If there is no budget with budget worksheets set as your Planner default for the new fiscal year, Martus will give an error when trying to copy the Scenario into the new year.

  • To create a new Planner Budget, see New Budget Cycle
  • Ensure that the Budget is set as the Planner default (Planner > Planner Setup).

2. Update Employees

Verify your employees are still correct. You may need to update for name changes, employees who have left, new employees, coverage changes, etc. You can update Employees right in Martus, or you can make mass changes to employees using the Pay Data File.

  • Updating Employees in Martus
    • Go to Personnel Budgeting > Employees
    • Click ‘Edit’ to the left of the employee's name
    • Click the ‘Inactive’ box and 'Save' if you need to make an employee inactive.
    • Any other updates for an employee can be made here and then Save.
    • For NEW employees, choose "Add New Employee" and enter the information, then Save.
  • Updating Employees via Export and Import
    • Go to the Scenarios tab
    • Export the Pay Data File
    • Remove all tabs except the Employee tab
    • Update as needed and Save
    • Import back into Martus
    • For more information on the Pay Data File click here.

3. Update Pay Types

Pay types often need to be updated before moving to a new fiscal year.

Pay Types to be reviewed:

  • Pay types with "Start Dates" must be edited to contain a date in the next fiscal year. For example, an end of year bonus in December needs to be set to the next fiscal year.
  • Pay types with "Default Amounts" must be reviewed to update with new default amounts as appropriate. Existing scenarios will not be affected by these changes. Example: Health insurance rates


  1. Go to Personnel Budgeting > Pay Types
  2. Click Edit next to any Pay type that needs to be updated
  3. Edit the default amount or date as needed
  4. Click Save

4. Update the Scenario Configuration

Within each fiscal year, the Personnel > Scenarios > Config tab may need to be updated. The best way to ensure that the appropriate values are filled in is to review the current year's settings.


  1. Go to Personnel > Scenarios

  2. Click on Config

  3. Select the current fiscal year and click Load

  4. Make note of all fields that are filled in (Note: The fields filled in below may be different in your system.)

  5. Select the next fiscal year and click Load

  6. Fill in all fields that were previously filled in making sure the dates reflect the next fiscal year if pay types with weekly or bi-weekly frequencies are used in your setup (the "Frequency" set on Pay Types can be found on the Pay Types setup screen)

  7. Note: If you have Pay Types for Medicare and Social Security taxes DO NOT fill in the FICA amount or account on the Config tab.

Use the link below to navigate through the learning path.

Introduction << New Year in Personnel - Learning Path >> Create Next Year's Personnel Scenario
Create Next Year's Personnel Scenario

Before proceeding, ensure all the prerequisites for creating a new year's personnel scenario have been completed to avoid errors when creating the new scenario. In this guide, we walk you through how to copy an existing personnel scenario forward to next year as a starting point. 

When you copy a scenario, you are copying the positions and pay items. All scenarios use the same employees, pay types, position types and coverages

Scenario Copying Options

The two options below (Include Monthly Details or Do Not Include Monthly Details) determine how Martus will handle any changes made to a scenario via the Details tab of the scenario. On the Details tab, it is possible to select pay items and adjust them to a different amount than what was set when the pay item was first added to the position. See the Scenario Tab for more information.

  • Include Monthly Details (select the check box): This option will copy any changes made from the Details tab into the new Scenario. For example, if there was a mid-year increase made for the Health Insurance pay item using the Details screen in the scenario you are copying, then that mid-year increase will copy forward. Position pay items will be ignored.

  • Do not Include Monthly Details (leave check box unselected): This option will utilize the amount that is entered into the Pay Item or the default amount for that Pay Item if a 0 is used. It is easy to see what will be used by exporting the Pay Detail file. For example, if there was a mid-year increase made for the Health Insurance pay item using the Details screen in the scenario you are copying, then that mid-year increase will NOT copy forward. It will use the amount that is entered in the Pay Item. Mid-year changes will be ignored.

Steps to copying a scenario

  1. Go to Personnel > Scenarios
  2. If needed, select the appropriate year and click Load

  3. In the Copy Scenario section, choose the scenario to copy

  4. Give the New Scenario a name

  5. Select Include Monthly Details if appropriate (see above)
  6. Click Copy Scenario

  7. Click ok on the pop-up message.
  8. Navigate to Dashboard > Updater and ensure that Scenario was copied without error
  9. If successful, continue; if not, fix errors and copy again. If needed, contact support for more assistance.
  10. Go to Personnel > Scenarios
  11. Click Set as Current to begin working with the Scenario

  12. Choose Set as Default to make the scenario the default scenario. (Note: This option is only available to Plus and Enterprise level subscriptions.)

Use the link below to navigate through the learning path.

Prerequisites << New Year in Personnel - Learning Path >> Updating Positions for the Next Fiscal Year
Updating Positions for the Next Fiscal Year

Updating Positions

Positions can be updated via Martus, or via Excel using the export and import process. The export and import process may be advisable if many changes need to be made.

Notes about Positions

  • Positions are specific to each scenario, thus it is possible to have multiple scenarios per year, each with a different set of positions.
  • Adjusting positions in one scenario does not affect any other scenario.
  • Positions can represent a single employee or a pool of employees.
  • Positions should only be removed from a scenario if the position will not exist in the year for which you are budgeting; it is not advisable to remove a position if it is currently vacant.
  • It is best practice to have one "Vacant Position" employee set up in Martus to budget for health insurance for any open positions since coverages for health insurance are linked to the employee record.

Updating Positions in Martus

  1. Go to Personnel Budgeting > Scenarios.
  2. Click on the Positions tab.

  3. To add a new position not already in the scenario, click Add New Position and enter the appropriate information and pay items. 
  4. To update existing positions, click Edit (the pencil icon) next to the appropriate Position Name.

  5. Edit the necessary fields

  6. Click Save once all position changes are complete.

Updating Positions via Export and Import: 

  1. Go to the Scenarios tab.
  2. Export the Pay Data File.
  3. Remove all tabs except the Positions tab.
  4. Update as needed.
  5. Import the Pay Data File back into Martus.

For more information on the Pay Data File click here.

Use the link below to navigate through the learning path.

Create Next Year's Personnel Scenario << New Year in Personnel - Learning Path >> Updating Pay Items on Positions
Updating Pay Items on Positions

Pay Types control how an organization compensates its employees. Pay items are created by adding Pay Types to positions. Pay Types may need to be added, updated, or removed from positions. To add or update pay items, changes can be made directly in Martus or via the export/import process. If Pay Items should be removed from existing positions, the changes should be made directly in Martus.

Notes about Pay Items:

  • Changes to Scenarios > Pay Types, or Scenarios> Employees, will not update any Scenario's Pay Items by default. Any changes that should flow through can be pulled in via the Detail tab.
  • Pay Items can be deleted in Martus; an import to an existing Scenario will NOT remove any Pay Items from the Scenario, even if they are removed from the Pay Item file.
  • Pay Items have regular amounts, default amounts, or overwritten amounts
    • Regular amount - the amount entered when adding the Pay Type either in Martus, via import, or by clicking on the Pay Item in the Position or Detail tabs
    • Default amount - the amount determined on the "Regular Amount" field on the Pay Type record. 
    • Overwritten amount - an amount assigned to the Pay Type when using the Update Pay Items option on the Detail screen. When Pay Items are updated this way, they can be changed to any amount by the user. Use the Recalculate/Return to Original rates option to return these rates to the Regular or Default amounts.

Add a Pay Item to a Position in Martus: 

  1. Go to Personnel > Scenarios
  2. Ensure the appropriate Scenario is Set as Current
  3. Click on the Positions tab
  4. Click on the Edit icon (pencil) next to the position
  5. Click on Add Pay Item
  6. Add the appropriate Pay Type
  7. Click Save

Update the Base rate for the existing Pay Item

  1. Go to Personnel > Scenarios
  2. Ensure the appropriate Scenario is Set as Current
  3. Click on the Detail tab
    1. Note: You can also click on the Positions tab, Edit the Position, and choose to Edit the Pay Type there as well (see screenshot above). 
  4. Filter for an Employee or Position
  5. Click on the Pay Type
  6. Edit the Pay Item as needed
  7. Click Save

Adding and Updating Pay Items via the Pay Item Grid 

  1. Go to Personnel > Scenarios
  2. Navigate to the Pay Items tab
  3. Adjust the pay items for any existing position within the scenario
  4. Utilize the arrow keys to navigate from cell to cell to apply changes
  5. Use "0" to indicate that the default amount should be applied
  6. Click Save Changes

Adding Pay Items via Export and Import

Exporting the Pay Item File will allow for changes to Pay Items via export and import. For more information, click here.

Remove Pay Items

Use this method whenever a Pay Item should no longer be associated with a Position. Note that there is no undue, the Pay Item needs to be re-added by editing the position or via import.

  1. Filter to the appropriate Pay Types
  2. Select all appropriate Pay Types
  3. Click Remove Pay Items
  4. Click Ok to confirm

Use the link below to navigate through the learning path.

Updating Positions for the Next Fiscal Year << Updating Pay Items on Positions