Summary Tab - Post to Planner Worksheets

Modified on Mon, Mar 3 at 6:45 PM

The Summary tab displays all budget lines that exist in the scenario and allows for posting those lines into the Planner Budget. This is a helpful, consolidated view of personnel data that can be filtered as needed. Personnel will not update any Planner Budget until a user navigates to the Summary tab of a scenario and posts the scenario to a Planner Budget. 

Filtering and viewing

The Summary page allows for filtering in both the criteria above and the column filters on individual columns. Note that statistical accounts are not included in totals with GL accounts. For example, you can filter the Pay Type criteria to adjust which pay types are shown.

Applying an Allocation

If you have personnel allocations, apply them to the Summary by selecting View with Allocation before posting your scenario to the Planner.
  1. Select the View with Allocation drop-down.
  2. Select the appropriate allocation.
  3. Optional: Select the Show Allocation Details checkbox. When using an allocation, the Show Allocation Details option will provide lines for each allocation displaying the debits and credits that result from that allocation's application.
  4. Click Load.

Posting to Planner

It is important to review the personnel summary lines before posting to one of the existing Planner budgets. You can do this by posting to a "scenario budget." This will create a mini-budget in Planner. Once the scenario budget is confirmed, you can then post to an existing budget.

Post to a Scenario Budget

It is best practice to post the scenario to its own Planner Budget before posting into a working budget. This allows for the personnel scenario to be reviewed and compared using the reports in Planner > Summary (especially the Side-by-Side Budget and Actuals Comparison report).

  1. Go to Planner > Summary.
  2. Select the appropriate allocation if you use allocations in View with Allocation and click Load.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

  4. Click Post to Scenario Budget (review the blue question mark for more detailed on-screen help).
  5. Martus creates a budget for this personnel scenario in Planner to review and compare in reports there.

Post to an Existing Budget

When posting to a Planner Budget, all budget lines in the personnel scenario will replace or add to any lines in the Planner Budget. Note: An archived copy of the budget you post to is made prior to posting the scenario, and can be found in Planner > Planner Setup > Manage Archived Budgets with the name of the budget appended to "Prior to Personnel Posting", with the date.

  1. Go to Personnel Budgeting > Summary.
  2. Select View with Allocation (if using personnel allocations) and click Load.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

  4. Choose the appropriate budget to post the personnel scenario to.
  5. Click Post to Existing Budget.

Important Notes:

  • When you post a scenario, it will update all worksheets in the budget, whether they are locked or not.
  • Personnel only adds or updates lines within a budget; it will not remove data from lines that do not appear in the scenario summary. 
  • A note is added to each amount on the line posted to by a scenario for that worksheet so that the user can easily tell which lines were posted to.

  • Only Admins can post a personnel summary to a Planner Budget.
  • ALL lines of the scenario will be posted regardless of what filters are applied on the Summary screen.
  • Scenarios will not post to frozen months in the Planner Budget.
  • It is possible to compare multiple Scenarios via the Post to Scenario budget option. Simply post multiple Scenarios from either the same fiscal year, or multiple fiscal years to their own Scenario budgets. Then go to Planner > Summary and navigate to the Side by Side Budget & Actual Comparison report to select the various Scenario budgets that should be compared. This method allows for a year-over-year analysis of Personnel Costs.
  • If the Summary Tab is not showing and amounts, it is recommended to navigate to the Detail tab and ensure it is populated, if not use the option to Recalculate/Return to original rates. 

Use the links below to navigate through the learning path.

Allocations <<  Introduction to Personnel - Learning Path  

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