Administration Topics

Users & Roles

Learning Path: Managing Users

Managing users is key to controlling user access to the data within Martus.  

User management is the responsibility of the Martus customer.  After adding the initial users for a new customer during implementation, Martus Solutions does not add, inactivate, or update users or user permissions at any time.

The following pages will walk you through how to effectively manage your users in Martus. At the bottom of each page, there is a link to the next page within the Learning Path.

Adding and Inactivating Users in Martus

Managing Users & User Roles

Keeping Martus Secure

Adding Users Overview (Video)

Managing users is key to controlling user access to the data within Martus.  

User management is the responsibility of the Martus customer. After initial users for a new customer are added during implementation, Martus Solutions does not add, inactivate, or update users or user permissions at any time. 

Managing users is one of the primary duties of Martus Admins. It is important to understand how your chart of accounts can be restricted, as well as how to assign roles and dimension permissions for users.

Click on a timestamp to jump to the section you are interested in:

0:35 - Add User & Roles

0:53 - Add Dimensions

3:46 - Verify Users

Add a User

Users in Martus are unique, and access is defined using functional permissions and dimension restrictions. Old/inactive users should not be reused to create a new user, as this may have unintended consequences in Martus.

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Add User.
    • Enter the Email, First Name and Last Name
  3. Click Save. Martus will automatically take you to the Permissions tab.

Set User Permissions

Permissions define the functional areas within Martus that a user may access, along with access to controlled accounts.

  1. Select a Role for the user, and make any additional adjustments to the permissions for that user as the role allows. 
  2. Click Save.

Set User Dimension Restrictions

Dimension restrictions define what a user can access in terms of data in Martus.

  1. Navigate to the Dimensions tab.
  2. Select a dimension from the Dimension dropdown and click Load.
  3. Select the appropriate dimensions in the list.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat as needed for all dimensions.

Notes on Assigning Dimensions Restrictions

  • Assigning any dimension code will restrict the user to ONLY the dimension codes selected.
  • If no dimension codes are selected, the user will have access to ALL of the codes in that dimension.
  • If a dimension is not required in your accounting system, give the user access to [Blank] to be able to access all data. For example, if a user is to be limited to certain Projects but is also allowed to see financial data without a Project code, then you should select [Blank] for that user.
  • Use the filter to find all dimensions associated with a search term.
  • Select "All Children" or "No Children" to easily select all of the sub-dimensions (Note: This WILL NOT include future children that are added to the system after assigning dimensions.)
  • Worksheets that do not match the User's sheet dimensions will be hidden from that user.
  • Lines within a worksheet that do not match the User's line dimensions will be hidden from that user.

Inviting Users

Unless you are using SSO (Single Sign On), you will need to invite your users to join Martus after you have set up their permissions and dimension restrictions. 

Option 1 - Per User 

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Send invitation to join Martus. The email invitation will expire after 72 hours.

Option 2 - All Users

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Note all users with no Last Login date, as these users will be included.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list.
  4. Click Send invitation to all on this list without a passwordThe email invitation will expire after 72 hours.

Martus provides standard text for the invitation email. You can customize the text of the invitation email if you wish; click here for more information. Invitation emails sent from Martus do not expire.

For more information

Users Learning Path: Managing User Roles

Inactivate Users

Managing users is key to controlling user access to the data within Martus, and is one of the primary duties of Martus Admins.


User management is the responsibility of the Martus customer. After initial users for a new customer are added during implementation, Martus Solutions does not add, inactivate, or update users or user permissions at any time.

Martus users cannot be removed by Martus Admins. When a Martus user leaves your organization, the Martus Admin should inactivate the former user's login to Martus.

NoteOld/inactive users should not be reused to create a new user, as this may have unintended consequences in Martus.

Inactivating Users - Step by Step

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Edit next to the user that needs to be inactivated.
    • Uncheck Is Active.
    • Click Save

Managing User Roles (Video)

User Roles make assigning the same set of permissions to multiple users easy. Roles also control which Dashboard a user will see on their Dashboard report. 

User roles allow for three options:

  • Explicitly Allow - the user has this permission
  • Explicitly Deny - the user cannot have this permission
  • Or Manage at the User Level - a user may be granted this permission on their user record

Create a User Role

  1. Go to Setup > User Roles.
  2. Click Add Role.
  3. Enter a Name for the role.
  4. Assign an existing Dashboard.
  5. Grant rights as desired. See this article for more information on how user roles impact users and permission definitions.
    NOTE: Best practice is to explicitly disallow the Admin permission except on the Admin role.
  6. Click Save.

Update User Roles

  1. Go to Setup > User Roles.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Adjust as desired. See this article for more information on how user roles impact users and permission definitions.
  4. Click Save.

Additional Information

Users Learning Path: Adding Users via import

Add Users Via Import

Users can be imported into Martus via the Users file export. This allows you to create many users quickly using an Excel import. Best practice is to set up a few different users before exporting the template.

Export/Import Step by Step

  1. From Setup > Users, click Export Users.

  2. Open the file in Excel, and add user information. You can leave any existing users in the file. Ignore any tabs not specifically mentioned below.
    • User tab - Enter basic user information.
      • Enter the email, first name, and last name of the user.
      • Enter 'True' in the ISActive column.
      • Enter the User Role in the Roles column. (Note: Best practice is to copy and paste the Name from the Role List tab.)
    • Dimensions permissions tab(s) - Use these tabs (like Location Permissions, Department Permissions, Project Permissions, etc.) to limit users to specific dimensions.
      • Enter the user's email from the Users tab
      • Enter the External ID for the Code for the desired dimension
      • Optionally enter the Name
      • Add an additional line for each dimension value to which the user has access
      • Enter -1 to grant access to the [Blank] option for dimensions that are not required

  3. Save the Excel file.
  4. From Setup > Users click Choose File. Browse for the Excel template and click Import Users.

Users Learning Path: Understanding User Roles and Permissions

Understanding User Roles & Permissions

Martus software recognizes 3 types of users: Martus Super Admins, Martus Admins, and Martus non-admins. Martus Super Admins are employed by Martus and can do and see specific things in Martus instances as part of their role in implementing and supporting our clients, that are hidden from all client users.

Martus Admins have access to everything in Martus. Non-admin users in Martus have certain types of permissions granted via 3 areas. These areas work together, defining what a non-admin user has access to. Additionally, the Martus subscription impacts user access. 

  • Permissions - A user can have functional permissions - mostly related to the menu items in Martus - set on the User record or by the User Role associated with that user.
  • Dimensions - A user can have dimension restrictions, which define what dimensions a user can see, also set on the User record. Dimension restrictions are not in scope for this article, but more information can be found here.
  • Accounts - Account restrictions are set in Setup > Accounts, and can be overridden on either the User record or by the User Role associated with the user.

A User Role is applied to a User, setting the initial permissions. Where permitted, when Manage at User Level is set on the User Role, those permissions can be granted to a specific User. To manage User Roles, view this article.

Navigate to Setup > Users > Edit User > Permissions to see a user's overall permissions within Martus.

Listing of All User Permission Options 

Below is a list of all of the permission options available, by subscription, and how they behave when granted.

Admin (All Rights Below) - Gives access to all of Martus
  • Admin overrides any dimension restrictions.
  • Admin grants access to all folders, including Personnel Budgeting.
  • Admin is the only way to grant access to the Pages in the Setup folder.
  • An Admin may work with Martus support to create an added layer of security for Personnel Budgeting that requires Admins to enter a password for access. Admins without the password are denied access.
  • When an Admin user is elevated to Admin or Admin access is removed, a notification will be sent to all Admins alerting them to this change.

Dashboard - The top level must be selected to enable access to lower-level options
  • Financials - Access to Dashboard > Financials - Reports will be filtered by dimension restrictions
  • ReportBuilder** - Access to Dashboard > ReportBuilder - Users will only see reports shared with or created by the user. Reports will be filtered by any dimension restrictions set for the user
  • Updater - Access to Dashboard > Updater - User will be able to run the account, dimension, or actual syncs on demand
  • Fund Balances - Access to the Fund Balances report (must be turned on by Support)
  • Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement - Access to the Balance Sheet (Plus and Premium subscription) and Cash Flow Statement reports (Premium subscription only)

Planner - The top level must be selected to enable access to lower-level options
  • Summary - Access to Planner > Summary - Reports will be filtered by dimension restrictions on a user
  • Worksheets - Access to Planner > Summary AND Planner > Special Purpose Worksheets - User will only see Worksheets and Worksheet Specials Purpose worksheets associated with the dimensions they are restricted to
  • Global SPWs - Access to any Global SPW that is only posting to dimensions that the user has access to
  • BCR Setup* - Access to Planner > BCR Setup - Allows the user to manage the BCR Setup including setting the default year and adding approvers
  • Forecasts** - Access to Planner > Forecasts - User will only see Forecasts they have created and the dimensions available will be filtered to their dimension restrictions
  • Upload Budget - Access to Planner > Intacct - Allows a user to upload a budget to Intacct with only the dimensions they are restricted to
  • Planner Setup - Access to Planner > Planner Setup > Worksheet Management tab only - Allows a user to add a worksheet utilizing the dimensions that they are restricted to

Personnel Budgeting - Advanced Subscription

  • Personnel Budgeting - Granting access to Personnel will grant the user access to all of Personnel Budgeting. Any dimension restrictions applied to that user are ignored within the Scenario.
    NOTE: Only Admin Users can post the Personnel Scenario to the Planner Budget

Personnel Budgeting - Plus & Premium Subscription

  • View Personnel Costs - Access to Personnel > Scenarios - Read-only access to the Scenarios, Summary, Positions & Pay, FTE Analysis, and Allocation Analysis tabs. Users will see any Position associated with the dimensions they are restricted to, but will only see the default year and Scenario.
  • Update Personnel Costs - Access to Personnel > Scenarios - Edit access to all tabs including Positions and Detail. Users will see any Position associated with the dimensions they are restricted to, and will only see the default year and Scenario. 
  • Can Access Non-Default Years and Scenarios - Use in conjunction with one of the above (view or update personnel costs) to allow the user to see non-default years and scenarios. 
  • Config Personnel Budgeting - Allows the user to see all pages within Personnel AND non-default year and scenarios. User will still be restricted according to their dimensions on the Scenarios page. This option also grants access to the Allocations page without dimension restrictions. This option can be given without access to Update Personnel Costs.
  • Make Personnel Requests** - Access to Personnel > Personnel Requests - Allows the user to request positions within their dimension restrictions

           NOTE: Only Admin Users can post the Personnel Scenario to the Planner Budget

 NOTE: Non-admins will only see allocations where the user is permitted to access all dimensions for that allocation. 

Additional Options 

  • View Restricted Accounts - Allows the user to view Accounts (Setup > Accounts) that are set to Restricted in Reports and VIEW them in Planner > Worksheets.
  • Edit Restricted Accounts - MUST also have "View Restricted Accounts" selected. Allows the user to view Accounts (Setup > Accounts) that are set to Restricted in Reports and EDIT them (i.e. budget for them)  in Planner > Worksheets.
  • View Drilldown Limited Accounts - Allows a user to view transactions for accounts (Setup > Accounts) that are set to Drilldown Limited.
  • View Transaction Attachments*** - Allows a user to view all attachments on any accounts for which they have access.
  • View Excluded Data - Allows a user to view Accounts (Setup > Accounts) that are set to Excluded in reports when they click on the "View Excluded" checkbox.
  • Can Unlock Worksheets - Allows a user to unlock any worksheet that they have access to according to their dimension restrictions.
  • Can View Non-Default Budgets - Allows a user to view any Dashboard or Planner budgets that are not set as the default, and that are checked "Set Viewable" in Planner > Planner Setup.
  • Can Summarize Flat to Budget*** - Allows a user to summarize selected budget lines in a budget worksheet and apply Flat to Budget to the original budget line.

*Feature available at an additional cost for those at the Standard+, Plus, and Premium levels

**Feature available at the Standard+, Plus, and Premium levels

***Sage Intacct, MS Dynamics Business Central, and Sylogist integration features

Users Learning Path: Review & Update Martus Users

Review & Update Martus Users

It is important to maintain user account integrity and be aware of users' access throughout Martus. There are a few ways to help maintain your users including updating the user information, viewing the Users Report, impersonating a user, and inactivating users that should no longer have access.

Who Can Update Users?

  • Admins can make updates in Setup > Users.
  • Admins can update other admin users and non-admin users.
  • Admins can change non-admins to Admins and change Admins to non-admins.
  • If you are working with a partner, Martus Admins can see Partner users but cannot make changes to Partner users.

How can I manage Users? 

  • Make sure to Inactivate users who should no longer have access to Martus.
  • Use the Users Report to review all users and ensure they have the appropriate access to Martus.
  • Impersonate a User to ensure they have the appropriate permissions.

Contact Martus Support if you have an email domain change. We can mass change your user emails for you!

Update User Info

To update the user information, go to Setup > Users. 

  1. Click Edit next to the user you would like to change.
  2. Click Unlock User Record.
  3. Update the first, last or email address fields.
  4. Click Save.

Any changes you save will be reflected on the Activity Log, including any historical data. For example, if a user's name is changed today, the Activity Log will record the name change. Additionally, all previous activity will now show under the new name.

NOTE: Old/inactive users should not be reused to create a new user, as this may have unintended consequences in Martus.

The Users Report

The Users Report makes it simple to see all users, their permissions, and any dimension restrictions assigned.

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Users Report.

    View the user, role and permissions, along with any dimension restrictions for that user.

Impersonate a User

Impersonating users allows Administrators to ensure that the user's permissions and dimensions are set up as expected.

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Login (on the right) next to a user to log in as them. (Note: Only primary profiles are available for login, once logged in under the primary profile you can switch to a secondary profile to review those permissions.)
  3. To stop impersonating the user, click on the user's name in the top right corner and choose Logout.

Inactivate a User

When a user no longer needs access to Martus, make their user record inactive. Inactive users will not be able to log in to Martus, and they do not count toward your total user count.  

Note: Old/inactive users should not be reused to create a new user, as this may have unintended consequences in Martus.

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click Edit next to a user.
  3. On the Info tab, unselect Is Active.
  4. Click Save.

User License Counts

Martus makes it simple to see how many user licenses you are utilizing, and the total number of licenses available. From Setup > Users, look for the yellow Active Users box.

  • Only Active users count against your total.
  • Additional user profiles do NOT count against your total.
  • If you are a customer working with one of our partners, the partner accounts do NOT count against your total.
  • If you need more licenses you need to purchase additional ones through Martus or your Martus partner. If you have a Martus partner please email them directly. If you are not working with a partner please email

Users Learning Path: Primary & Secondary Profiles

User Profiles

Martus offers the flexibility of creating multiple profiles for a user that allows you to assign more than one set of roles and permissions to a user. Secondary profiles allow a single user to use Martus with different user permissions and dimension restrictions. 

Reasons to create multiple profiles for one user include

  • The HR Director will need access to all of the Personnel but should only be able to access the Planner Worksheets for her department
  • The Department Director will need to view Financials across multiple locations but should only be able to edit worksheets in one
  • The Martus Admin will need to review a consolidated report with only three out of their five departments shown

Creating a Secondary Profile

  1. Go to Setup > Users
  2. Click Edit next to the user that requires a secondary profile
  3. Go to the Profiles tab
  4. Enter a name for the New Secondary Profile and click Create Profile

  5. Click on the new profile just created shown in blue

  6. Assign Roles and Permissions as desired 
  7. Assign Dimension restrictions as desired

Switching Between Profiles

  1. Log in to Martus
  2. Click on the user name in the top right corner of Martus

  3. Click on the appropriate profile

Important Notes About Profiles

  • Any active user in Martus can have secondary profiles
  • A user in Martus can have more than one secondary profile
  • Only the primary profile counts as a user license and is denoted with an asterisk on the users List
  • If a secondary profile is no longer needed, it should be inactivated
  • There is no limit on the number of profiles that a single user may have

Users Learning Path: Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication
The requirement for Multi-Factor Authentication is set at the customer level. By default, it is not required. If your organization wishes to require MFA for all users, create a ticket through the Knowledge Base if you are a direct Martus customer, or contact your Martus reseller if you are supported through one of our Martus partners.

Martus offers multi-factor authentication (MFA) utilizing an authenticator app to produce an additional code to keep Martus more secure. If not required, MFA must be initiated from each user account. If allowed, each user can remove MFA from their own account. Martus Admin Users can remove MFA from any user.

Enable MFA

  1. Click the user name in the top right corner of Martus
  2. Click "My Martus Account"
  3. Click on Add MFA
  4. Open the Authenticator App on your phone and scan the code displayed on the screen:
  5. Enter the code the Authenticator app provides
  6. The next time you log in you will be prompted to provide the code the authenticator app displays

Disable MFA - User

Each user can enable or disable MFA on their User Account if the organization has not chosen to enforce MFA.

  1. Click on the user name in the top right corner of Martus
  2. Click "My Martus Account"
  3. Click "Remove MFA"

Disable MFA - Admin

Admin Users can disable MFA for any of their users if MFA is not required at their organization.

  1. Go to Setup > Users
  2. Click "Edit" next to the appropriate user
  3. On the "Info" tab, click "Remove MFA"

Users Learner Path: Congratulations! You have reached the end of this path.